ELECTIONS - March 19, 2022
Each year at our at our Annual Meeting in March the membership gets to choose the officers and directors who will lead the Clearwater Garden Club for 12 months beginning May 1st.
Please attend our annual meeting on Saturday, March 19, 2022 beginning at 11:00 am. A quorum at the annual meeting shall consist of 25% of the voting members.
Below are the names of the officers and directors recommended by our Nominations Committee at the February 19, 2022 Board Meeting.
President ...............................................Paul Keleti
1st Vice President ..................................Laura Daniel
Second Vice President ..........................Maggie Custer
Recording Secretary .............................Mike Flanery
Treasurer ...............................................Jennifer Clarke
Corresponding Secretary ......................Jackie Cranwell
Director .................................................Anne Fogarty France
Director .................................................Howard Warshauer
Director .................................................Sue Witwer
This is the Slate of Officers and Directors recommended by the Nominations Committee. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting. Candidates nominated from the floor must have given consent to have their names presented. If there is more than one nomination for a position there will be a secret ballot. If only one nomination exists than a voice vote will be held. Thanks to our 2022 Nominations Committee made up of Paul Keleti, Alice Jarvis and Anne France.
We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 19th at 11 am in the Clubhouse.