Garden Club Members' Awarded for Their Beautiful Designs and Horticulture

The 2016 Flower Show was really a chance for Clearwater Garden Club members, and members of the general public as well, to demonstrate their design skills and improvements, and also display many beautiful horticulture specimens and cuttings.
Design categories this year followed the themes of the offerings of the Francis Wilson Playhouse. Category winners were:
Oklahoma, Sue Witwer
The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Laura Daniel
The Diary of Anne Frank, Marsha Clark
Street Car Named Desire, Kathy Thomas
Sweeney Todd, Marion Crane
The Secret Garden, Helen Hoskins
Tricolor and All Fresh Award went to Sue Witwer, and Designer's Choice went to Cathy Foley
In the Horticulture division, the winners were:
Growers choice Gladyis Seney
Growers choice Lois Sabila
Award of Excellence Sue Witwer
Award of Merit Sue Witwer
Arboreal award Marion Crane I think
Sue Witwer Clearwater Club award
Lots of blue ribbons to Dorothy Bornemann for cut specimens.
Beautiful succulents for Arlene Wich lots of blue Ribbons.
To see all the beautiful designs and horticulture, visit the Flower Show page and enjoy our beautiful slideshow.