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Virtual Plant Sale

Has Ended

Thanks for your support

Steps to complete your purchase...


1.   Please Download and print the Plant Pickup Form to keep track of your purchases


2.   Use the Plant Pickup Form or one of your own to record the plants and other items you purchased, and to get a Total of your Purchase .


3.   Complete the Product Order Form to the right,  including                         ====>

listing all the item #s of the products you want to purchase and the total Total of your Purchase amount.  Click the Submit Your Order button at the bottom of this form to record your order


4.  Click the yellow Donate button to pay the TOTAL of your purchase using PayPal or your credit card.


5.  Bring the Plant Pickup Form  with you to Pickup Day, Saturday September 5th, 8 am to Noon to pick up your purchase.  Our Clubhouse is located at 405 Seminole St, Clearwater at the corner of Ft Harrison Ave.  Follow the signs for Pickup and our Greeter will meet you at your car by the doors to our Clubhouse.  Thanks!!!

When you pay please enter the total of your purchase from the Pickup Form you created.  Please print a receipt for your payment.   Bring the receipt and Pickup Form to Pickup Day, September 5th 8 am to noon.   Thank you.

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